It is hard to not see the rising issues with school safety. The number of school shootings and incidents is increasing. This rise in school safety is making a growing number of schools turn to security and safety technology. High schools down to elementary schools are embracing the idea of using technology to increase the safety of both students and staff. If your school is considering school safety technology as an option, here are some of the advancements available.

Facial Recognition 

One of the leading technologies offering advancements in school safety is facial recognition software. This feature will help detect and recognize the students as they come into the school. This type of advanced recognition on its own can help identify when someone who is not recognized in the system enters the building. The staff can be immediately notified. This can be the first alert to intruders and possibly help prevent injury to staff and students. 

Biometric Entries

A method that school shooters or intruders tend to use is entering through unsecured side doors and loading areas. If your doors are only equipped with traditional locks, you may want to consider updating your school safety with biometric entry technology for the staff. This type of scanning uses the idea of facial recognition instead of keycards or digital keypads to allow entrance into the building. This means that someone who is not in the system can not enter the building. The entry pads should be at doors and any entrances into the building itself. 

Concussive Force Recognition

With the major issue in school security being gun violence, keeping out those guns is likely a top priority for your school. One way to do that is to use concussive force recognition. This type of device detects sounds based on the level of concussive force. For example, a truck that backfires will have a larger force impact than a door slamming shut. If the concussive force is higher than normal, the system will alert you. 

Remember, school safety is not just an option that administrators should consider. It is a starting point to help parents feel safer about their choice to send their child to a religious or public school. The staff will be better equipped and prepared if any danger is present. By ensuring you are offering the highest level of safety possible, you are ensuring your school population numbers and the gratitude of parents.

Learn more about security and safety technology for high schools to see what advancements are being made. 
